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Woodstock General and Implant Dentistry on May 24, 2017

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    Overcome Dental Anxiety

    It’s no secret that many of us have some level of anxiety over visiting the dentist’s office. It’s common for people to associate the dentist with needles and uncomfortable treatments. But delaying dental treatment due to anxiety or fear can turn minor dental conditions into major dental problems that require extensive intervention, and affect your health. Sedation dentistry allows patients to overcome anxieties and get the treatment they need. As an added benefit, sedation dentistry allows patients to combine multiple procedures into one or two visits, saving time and limiting inconvenience.

    What is Sedation Dentistry?

    Sedation dentistry uses medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It’s sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry,” although that’s not entirely accurate. Patients are usually awake (except for those who are under general anesthesia). There are several levels of sedation available, depending on each patient’s specific level of anxiety.

     Levels of Sedation Include:

    • Minimal Sedation (you’re awake, but relaxed)
    • Conscious Sedation (you’re still awake, but may not remember much of the procedure)
    • Deep Sedation (you’re on the edge of consciousness, but can still be awakened)
    • General Anesthesia (you’re completely unconscious and under the care of an anesthesiologist)

    Woodstock General & Implant Dentistry provides sedation dentistry for anyone anxious about dental work and our practice has Board Certified Anesthesiologists on staff to deliver deeper sedation for more complex cases.

    Types of Sedation

    At our office, patients are offered a variety of medications to help control dental anxiety and make dental procedures more comfortable. These medications include controlled, safe use of inhaled nitrous oxide (also knows as “laughing gas”), oral medications such as Valium, Ativan, and Halcion, and intravenous (IV) medications such as Propofol, Versed, Ketamine. Should one or more of these medications be required, patients are thoroughly screened and monitored to ensure control and safety.

    Patients being treated with Anxiolysis and Minimal Sedation are in a minimally depressed state of consciousness. They are relaxed and able to breathe on their own and respond to instructions. This is accomplished via the administration of nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas”, or an oral medication such as Valium, Ativan, or Halcion. Depending on the medication utilized, patients are often left not remembering much of their procedure.

    Those who opt for IV/Deep Sedation are given different medications such as Propofol, Versed, or Ketamine that are administered intravenously to produce deeper sedating effects. These patients are on the edge of consciousness, but can still breathe independently and still respond to instructions.

    For patients with more extreme dental anxiety or for those patients with complicated medical conditions and/or complicated dental needs, General Anesthesia under the care of one of our Board Certified Anesthesiologists may be recommended.

    Am I a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

    If you experience anxiety over going to the dentist, sedation dentistry may be right for you. Other ideal candidates include:

    • Anyone with a low pain threshold
    • Anyone who is restless in the dentist’s chair
    • Those with sensitive teeth
    • Those with sensitive gag reflexes
    • Anyone who needs to complete more than one dental procedure at once
    • Anyone undergoing a more complex dental procedure

    Your dentist should always discuss your medical history with you before you undergo sedation. This will help ensure that you’re an appropriate candidate!

    We Provide Conscious Sedation Dentistry

    If you are one of the millions of people who have put off going to the dentist because of anxieties or fears related to dental care, sedation dentistry may be the solution for you.

    If it has been years since your last dental treatment or if you would appreciate being completely relaxed while having all your needs dental needs addressed in as little as one appointment, contact Woodstock General & Implant Dentistry’s office today.

    We offer a special concierge service package for patients nationwide in need of exceptional dental services. We cater to our patients who travel from across the United States as well as patients from the local area (Ulster County, Dutchess County, and the Hudson Valley).